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God loves you
Welcome and thank you for visiting Maronite Francophone online. We hope this visit helps you get to know us more. We wish share with you our history and our love for God.
Our mission
We believe that being a Maronite in the West helps to discover the universal dimension of the Catholic Church. The Maronite Church is present in several French-speaking countries. We show love and God's concern for our neighbor by opening our doors to whoever wishes to enter.
The sacraments of initiation : Baptism , c onfirmation and Eucharist .
The sacraments of healing : Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick.
Order and marriage.
Videos of the month
On November 1st we celebrate All Saints' Day.
November 21 feast of the presentation of Mary in the temple of Jerusalem.
To discover:
The Holy See, the Vatican site
Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon
French speaking

The month of November in a few dates:
November 1: All Saints' Day.
November 5: Saint Assia.
November 8: Saint Michael the Archangel.
November 10: Saints Timothy and Moor.
November 11: Saints Ménas and Martin de Tours.
November 13: Saint John Chrysostom.
November 14: Saint Philippe.
November 16: Saint Matthew.
November 17: World Day of the Poor.
November 18: Saint Romain d'Antioche.
November 21: Presentation of the Virgin Mary.
November 27: Saint Jacques l'Intercis.
November 30: Saints Bichail and André Apôtre.
Icon of the Maronite liturgical year.
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
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