Sacraments of initiation

Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation
Christ proposed the baptism to all so that all may have Life in God. He entrusted it to his Church, along with the Gospel , when he said to his apostles: " Go out of all nations, make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit " (Mt 28, 19-20)
In the Eastern Rite Churches baptism and confirmation are given together in the same celebration.
Inform the priest of the birth of your child and fix with him the date of the celebration.
To discover the ritual of these two sacraments according to the rite of the Church Maronite in French click on: RITUAL SACRAMENTS Of BAPTISM AND OF THE CONFIRMATION

Sacrament of the Eucharist
Preparation for First Communion
The Eucharist is the source and the summit of all Christian life ” ( Vatican II Constitution on the Church n ° 11) It is through the Eucharist that the Life of God is given to us, the Bread of the road. Receiving the Bread of God invites us to share our bread with our brothers in humanity.
This year, like every year, a group of children is prepared to make their first communion in May.
For any registration concerning the preparation of next year you can contact us now.
To discover the Maronite Mass book in French, just click on Missel Maronite