Sacraments of commitment

Sacrament of Order
Vocations Department
"Lord, I know you want the best for me, but what is it?"
In order to answer this question, it is important to take the time to discern one's calling, especially the call to the priesthood.
The vocation to the priesthood being a call from God, it asks to be discerned by the possible candidate first, then by the Church.
Let the priest know of your desire to serve the Lord.
The Maronite Church trains its future priests in two different seminaries in Lebanon.
Ghazir's seminar and the Karm saddeh seminar.
Married men can receive the sacrament of Holy Orders as for all other Eastern Christians. Yes, there are married priests in the Catholic Church.

Sacrament of marriage
Preparation for marriage
You have decided to get married ? Excellent news. Marriage changes your whole life. To prepare to receive this sacrament :
1- Contact the priest.
If possible, a year before and especially before setting the date of the reception to ensure the availability of priests that day.
2- Some meetings will be offered to :
Establish your record.
Deepen the meaning of your commitment.
Discover the beauty of the sacrament.
Prepare for the celebration.
3- Click here to discover the Maronite Ritual of the Sacrament of Marriage.
4- Click here to know the conditions of a Catholic marriage.
5- Click here for more information about the wedding.