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Sacraments of Healing
Cross Church
Sacrament of forgiveness


This  sacrament  is the sign of the infinite love of God. Forgiveness from God is always possible, if we take a truly sincere approach.


By recognizing ourselves as a sinner, we believe that the infinite love of God is always the strongest. Dialogue with a  priest  is the effective sign of  reconciliation  with God and with our brothers.

Do not hesitate to contact the priest who will be delighted to allow you to live this sacrament.

The course of a confession:
1 / Reception by the priest and introduction to confession


2 / The recognition of one's sins

The priest accompanies your process, by which, in truth, you seek to confess all your sins in order to advance on the path of conversion and holiness.

3 / Penance

One then receives a penance, which manifests both the regret of having offended the Lord and his Church, and the desire to be converted. This penance is carried out after confession, in the church or at home, then the penitent says the act of contrition.

"My God, I am very sorry to have offended You, for You are infinitely good, infinitely lovable, and you do not like sin. I take the firm resolution, with the help of your holy grace, to no longer offend you and do penance. "

4 / Absolution

It is the sacramental word by which we have the assurance of the Lord's total forgiveness!

Bougies du temple
Sacrament of the Sick
The anointing  

the  sacrament  of the Sick is to give special help to Christians facing the difficulties of serious illness or old age. The Christian can receive the  sacrament  sick every time he is seriously ill.


It's the  sacrament  of the Lord's presence by our side in times of trial such as sickness or old age.

If you or someone close to you is in this sick situation, please contact the priest. He will come as quickly as possible to give you this sacrament.

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