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Highlights :
January 1: Day of prayer for peace.
January 5: Saint Paul the Hermit.
January 6 Epiphany (Baptism of Jesus Christ).
January 15: Our Lady of Seeds.
January 16: The chains of Saint Peter.
January 17 Saint Anthony the Great (feast of monks and nuns).
From January 18 to 25: Week of prayer for Christian unity.
January 23: Saint Sergius I.
January 24: Saint François de Sales, World Day of Social Communications ”.
January 25: Conversion and baptism of Saint Paul.
January 28: Saint Ephrem the Syriac.
January 31: Saint John Bosco.
February 2: presentation of Jesus at the temple (feast of the consecrated).
February 3: Saints Anne and Symeon.
February 9: Saint Maroun or Maron. (Patron of the Maronite Church).
February 11: Our Lady of Lourdes, day of prayer for the sick.
February 19: Saint Tyranion bishop of tyr and Zenobe and the 500 martyrs.
February 20: Saint Jacques the hermit of Cyr.
February 22: Chair of St. Pierre.
March 2: Saint Jean-Maroun (first Maronite patriarch).
March 3: Saint Thomas Aquinas.
March 9: The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste.
March 19: Saint Joseph.
March 23: Saint Rafka (Rebecca).
March 25: Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Public holiday in Lebanon).
March 26: Saint Gabriel (Archangel).
April 7: Saint John Baptist de La Salle.
April 16: Sainte Bernadette Soubirous.
April 23: Saint George.
April 25: Saint Mark (evangelist).
April 27: Saint Symeon (brother of the Lord).
April 29: Saint Catherine of Siena.
April 30: Saint Jacques (apostle).
May 6: Saint Dominic Savio.
May 8: Saint John the Evangelist.
May 9: Saint Isaiah (prophet).
May 15: Our Lady of the Harvests.
May 22: Saint Rita (Marguerite) da Cascia.
June 2: The four evangelists .
June 3: Saint Altar the just.
June 6: Saint Dorothé "bishop of Tire.
June 11: Feast of the sacred heart and Saint Barthélemy apostle.
June 13: Saint Aquiline of Byblos.
June 19: Saint Jude apostle (Thadée).
June 21: Saint Louis de Gonzague.
June 22: Saint Eusebius of Samosate.
June 24: Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
Tuesday June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
Wednesday June 30: Feast of the twelve apostles.
July 10: The Massabki martyrs: François, Abd-el-Mooti and Raphaël,
with the eight Franciscan martyrs.
July 11: Saint Benedict.
July 15: Saints Quiriace and Yolita martyrs.
July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
July 17: Sainte Marina de Quannoubine.
July 20: Saint Elijah prophet.
July 22: Sainte Marie-Madeleine.
July 23: Saint Charbel.
July 24: Saint Christine of Tire.
July 27: Saint Pantaléon called Assia.
July 31: The 350 martyred monks.
August 1: Saints Maccabees.
August 4: Saint Jean-Marie Vianney.
August 6: The transfiguration.
August 7: Saint Doumit.
August 9: Saint Matthias (apostle).
August 12: Saint Photius and Saint Anicet.
August 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
August 16: Saint Roch.
August 23: Saint Isaac the Syriac.
August 28: Saints Augustine and Moses the Ethiopian.
August 29: Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist.
August 31: Saints Abda, Ijidios, and Zakhia.
September 1: Saint Symeon the Stylite.
September 2: Saint Mammès.
September 5: Saints Charbel and his sister martyrs
September 6: Saint Michael the Archangel
September 8: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
September 9: Saints Anne and Joachim Mother and Father of the Virgin,
and Blessed Frederic Ozanam
September 14: The glorious cross.
September 15: Saints Stratone (sassine) and Abraamios called chayna.
September 16: Saint Cyprien.
September 17: Hagia Sophia in Rome.
September 22: Saint fawqa martyr.
September 24: Sainte Thècle.
October 1: Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face.
October 2: Saints Cyprien and Justine.
4 October: Saint Francis of Assisi.
October 6: Saint Thomas the apostle.
October 7: Saint Sergius and Bacchus and Our Lady of the Rosary.
October 9: Saint Jacques.
October 12: Saints (edna): Tarachus, Andronicus and Probus.
October 14: Saint Isaiah the monk.
October 15: Saint Teresa of Avila
October 18: Feast of Saint Luke.
October 20: Saint (challita) Artème.
October 22: Feast of the Holy Pope John Paul II.
October 25: Christ the King.
November 1: All Saints' Day.
November 5: Saint Assia.
November 8: Saint Michael the Archangel.
November 10: Saints Timothy and Moor.
November 11: Saints Ménas and Martin de Tours.
November 13: Saint John Chrysostom.
November 14: Saint Philippe.
November 16: Saint Matthew.
November 17: World Day of the Poor.
November 18: Saint Romain d'Antioche.
November 21: Presentation of the Virgin Mary.
November 27: Saint Jacques l'Intercis.
November 30: Saints Bichail and André Apôtre.
December 3: Saint François-Xavier.
December 4: Sainte Barbe (Barbara).
December 6: Saint Nicolas de Myre.
December 8: The Immaculate Conception.
December 14: Saint Nimatoullah (Joseph Kassab al-Hardini).
December 20: Saint Ignatius of Antioch.
December 25: The glorious nativity of Jesus Christ.
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