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Saint of the day according to the Roman martyrology:   click on French link
Saint of the day according to the Maronite martyrology:  click on Link in Arabic   
Saint of the day according to the Maronite liturgy to discover in French version by clicking on the links below.

Saint Anthony the Great  (✝  356)

He distributes his fortune to the poorest and retires  in the desert  . This hermit is the patron saint of monks.

For more than twenty years, he will undergo the attacks of the demon who takes the appearance of ferocious or sensual beasts.

Saint Anthony the Great is celebrated on January 17 by the Maronites.


Saint Ephrem  

Deacon and Doctor of the Church  (✝  373)

This mystic was called: "the harp of the Holy Spirit."

Ordained deacon, he wanted to remain so out of humility.  He composed many works, commented on the whole Bible, wrote poems which replaced the songs of popular festivals and responded to the songs of heretics who thus spread their erroneous theses.

Saint Ephrem  is celebrated on the 28th  January by the Maronites.

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Saint Maroun  350-  ✝ 410

The austerity of his life and the miracles he performed made him famous throughout Syria, and many came to him to ask for his prayer or to share his discipline.

This priest, hermit is the saint  patron of the Church  maronite

Saint Maroun is celebrated on February 9 by the Maronites.

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Saint Jean Maroun     627-  ✝707

This first Maronite Patriarch of Antioch  led the Maronite faithful after his election in 685.


Saint Jean Maroun is celebrated on March 2 by the Maronites.

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Saint Joseph husband of the Virgin Mary  (I  century.)

"It was a  righteous "according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 1, verse 19


He is the patron saint of the universal Church, of carpenters, workers, young spouses and fathers of families, of the good death ...

Saint Joseph  is celebrated on March 19.


     Holy  Rafqa       Choboq Ar-Rayès 

1832-  ✝1914

For the Jubilee 2000 His Holiness Pope John Paul II declared that Rafqa is a model to follow in devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

Saint Rafqa  is celebrated on March 23.


 The Annunciation  to Marie

This event recalls the day when, in Nazareth, the Virgin Mary welcomed the word which was spoken to her by the Angel on behalf of the Lord: "You will conceive and you will give birth to a son who will be called the Son of the Most High".

Our Lady of the Annunciation is  celebrated on March 25; Holiday of prayer and dialogue between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon.

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Saint Georges

martyr  (✝  303)

He is executed for refusing to offer sacrifices to the gods of the empire.  

He became the patron saint of many countries, especially England, and Georgia which bears his name.  The legend of Saint George's victorious struggle against a malevolent dragon who symbolizes the demon has spread throughout  11th century.

Saint George is  Party  April 23.


Saints Peter &  Paul apostles  (I  century.)

These two pillars of the Church are great travelers. They spread the Good News of salvation to the point of martyrdom.

Peter was a fisherman when Jesus Christ called him to follow him.

Paul was a devout Jew who persecuted the early Christians before he encountered the risen Christ.

Saints Peter &  Paul are  holidays  June 29.

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The holy martyrs Massabki  (✝  1860)

François, Abd-el-Mooti and Raphaël martyrs of Damascus killed by Ottomans with the Franciscans:  Emmanuel Ruiz; priest, and his companions, Blessed Carmel Volta, Pierre Soler, Nicolas Alberca, Engelbert Kolland, Nicanor Ascanio; priests, François Pinazo and Jean-Jacques Fernandez.

The Massabki brothers  are  holidays  July 10 by the Maronites.


Holy  Marina (✝  750)

  It's death  from the supposed Marin monk that the sanctity of the "sister" who had lived as a brother in the monastery was discovered.

Accused of having seduced the daughter of a neighboring hotelier who was expecting a child, actually born overnight with a soldier,  "Marin" took in the child without defending himself but had to live outside the monastery.

Holy  Marina is  Party  July 17 by the Maronites.


Holy  Charbel  Makhlouf (1828-✝  1898)

  After 20 years of monastic life, he retired solitary to a hermitage in Annaya and spent the last twenty-three years of his life absorbed in God.

Many signs and wonders are still operated today by his intercession.

Holy  Charbel  Makhlouf is  Party  July 23 by the Maronites.

les 350 moines martyrs de Beit

The 350 monks

martyrs  (✝ 517)

  They  were martyred and their monastery burned  because of their membership in  council of chalcedon  recognizing the dual nature of Christ.

A letter sent to Pope Hormisdas signed by priest Alexander with more than 200 other signatures of priests and deacons recounts this massacre.

The 350 martyred monks are celebrated   July 31 by the Maronites.

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Saint Abda

(5th century)

  Bishop of Hormizd in Persia in the time of Jezgerd, king of the Persians. Summoned before him, he refused to worship the sun. He died, hit all over his body with flaming sticks.

Women who have difficulty in having children obtain this gift through his intercession.

Saint Abda is celebrated   August 31  by the Maronites.


Saint Symeon the Stylite

  (✝  592)

He lived on a column, in conversation with Christ and the angels, endowed with power over demons and the forces of evil.  

This holy priest from Antioch attracted many faithful to the Lord.

Saint Symeon the Stylite is  Party  September 3 by the Maronites.


Saint Thècle

Virgin and martyr  (1st century.)

She was young and pretty. She was living in Iconium when Saint Paul converted her and she followed Paul on his travels. 

Saint Jerome, Saint Epiphanes, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Ambrose and Saint John Chrysostom spoke of her in enthusiastic terms.

Sainte Thècle is  celebrated on September 24 by the Maronites.


Holy  Isaiah 

(351- 440.)

The reputation of his asceticism, his virtues and his miracles spread.  Fearing to be won over by pride he took refuge in the city of Nisibia where he lived in a small cell by the river. Then he moved to the desert of Palestine to live there as an ascetic.

Saint Isaiah  is  Party  October 14 by the Maronites.

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Holy  Sisine (Sassine) 

bishop and martyr  (4th century)

At the First Council of Nicaea, he was one of the strongest defenders of the faith before the heretical disciples of Arius.


After much torment, he was allegedly struck by the sword during Diocletian's persecution.

Saint Sassine  is  Party  November 23.


Saint Nimatullah Kassab al-Hardini)  (1808- ✝  1858)

This priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order,  applied to theological formation, to the education of young people and to pastoral action, with an eminent spirit of prayer and penance.

He was committed to seeking and following Christ, his Master and Lord.

    Saint Nimatullah  is  Party  December 14.


Saint Ignatius of Antioch

    Bishop, martyr, and  Father           of  the church  (✝  115)

His love for God helped him to repeat before his martyrdom: "May I therefore become the pasture of beasts. It is through them that I will be given to go to God. I am the wheat of God. I am therefore ground by the teeth of the beasts to become the immaculate bread of Christ. "  

    Saint Ignatius of Antioch  is  Party  December 20 by the Maronites.

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