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Maronite liturgical year


2-Stroke of the Glorious Nativié

1-Sanctification and renewal of the Church

3-Time of the Glorious Epiphany

5-Great Lent

6-Holy Week

7-Time of the Glorious  Resurrection

8-Time of Glorious Pentecost

9-Time of the Glorious Cross 


 French speaking Maronite


4- Commemorations

1-Sanctification and renewal of the Church




from the church

... "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church  ; and the power of Death will not prevail over it. "

Mt 16/18

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2-Stroke of the Glorious Nativié

The Annunciation

made to Zechariah

"The angel told him  : "  Have no fear, Zechariah, for your supplication has been heard  : your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son for you, and you will name him John. "  Lc 1/13

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3-Time of the Glorious Epiphany


Baptism of jesus

"Now the people were waiting, and all were wondering within themselves if John was not the Christ. John then addressed all  : "  I baptize you with water  ; but he comes, the one who is stronger than me. I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. "  Lk 3 / 15-16

Méditation de l'Épiphanie
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4- Time of commemorations


Sunday of commemoration of deceased priests.

The Lord answered: "What about the faithful and sensible steward to whom the master will entrust the charge of his staff to distribute, in due time, the ration of food?

Lk 12/42

dimanche des prêtre
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5-Great Lent

First Sunday of Lent; the wedding feast of Cana.

This was the beginning of the signs that Jesus performed. It was in Cana de Galilee. He manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him. Jn 2/11

Les noces de Cana
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6-Holy Week

The people took palm branches and came out to meet him. They were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed be the King of Israel! "

Jn 12/13

Palm Sunday.

1 Dimanche des rameaux
00:00 / 02:18

7-Time of the Glorious  Resurrection

Easter Sunday

He's not here, for he's risen, like he said. Come and see the place where he rested.

Mt 28/6

1 dimanche de pâques
00:00 / 03:23

8-Time of Glorious Pentecost

the Spirit of truth, he whom the world cannot receive, for he neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and he will be in you.

Jn 14/17

1 Fête de la Pentecôte
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Pentecost Sunday. Descent of the Spirit  Saint over the apostles.


9-Time of the Glorious Cross 

and I, when I have been lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself. "

Jn 12/32

Feast of the glorious cross.

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L'habit liturgique maronite.PNG

Liturgical colors:

For Christmas and Epiphany celebrations; the golden.

For the time of the glorious nativity; white adorned with green.

For the time of the glorious Epiphany; the White.

For the time of Great Lent, purple.

For the time of the glorious resurrection; the White.

For the time of glorious Pentecost; the White.

For the time of the glorious cross; the White.

For Marian feasts; white adorned with blue.

For the memory of martyrs and apostles  the Red.

For the memory of Saint John the apostle; the White.


-For funerals, take the color of the liturgical time.

- The underlined texts help you identify the liturgical time and the celebration of the day.

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Meaning  liturgical:

White :  Purity, Innocence, Virginity, Resurrection.


Green: The growth of the Church.

Violet: Humility, Penance, Meditation, Friendship.

Red: The fire of charity, the blood of martyrs.

Golden: The glory of God, The fruitfulness of the sacrifice.

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